I came across this article over the weekend on
Bob Balfes website.
Now for those of you who don't know what Android is, its Google's mobile phone operating system, that anyone can down load and use. Its free, its open source.
For those who don't know what Eclipse is, Eclipse is a multi-language software development environment. Why is this relevant, well Eclipse is what Notes 8 is built with. The Notes 8.5 designer is an Eclipse designer. OK follow me so far? So we can now build Notes apps directly into mobile phones based on the Android OS. Something that Apple will not allow.
The one feature I think that will ultimately kill the iPhone is the Android SDK. You can download the Android SDK for Windows, Mac, and Linux and you can also just install it into your
existing Eclipse IDE. Just having this available to all Eclipse developers is HUGE. This means you can start playing immediately without owning a specific OS/Computer - like a Mac.
This is a consistent mistake Apple makes over and over and it just shocks me, now Google is taking advantage of it. Don’t get me wrong I think Apple makes great products but the entire “we need control” mentality just exhausts everyone. If the Android devices end up being better hardware than the iPhone then I don’t see how iPhone will be able to compete. I know there is a lot of talk about the iPhone becoming more open and moving to other carriers but I think it just may be too little too late - maybe. Android is around the corner Apple - get moving!
As anyone who know me, will know I am no lover of Apple products, yes they are slick and amazing well marketed but as a piece of technology they are generally a long way behind.