Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Running Lotus Notes 8.5.2 Under Ubuntu 10.10

As I mentioned in my New Year Blog, I have been experimenting with running Notes under Ubuntu.

Well I am happy to report that its works great, was pretty simple to install and just work, in fact i would say that I have fewer problems under Ubuntu that I do under Windows.  I am also running Symphony and Sametime, all work perfectly.  In fact if you get the right fonts it looks just as good as under Windows.  I thoroughly recommend Notes under Ubuntu.

If any one would like a set of instructions for installing Notes under Ubuntu, its a touch more complex than Windows but well with any competent user, I will happily send you then, please write to me at:

nichalliwell99 at

Whilst on the subject of things running in Notes, I have been trying out SpamSentinel MBE, its an add on that allows you to sort incoming mails in to several in-boxs.  there is a Newsletters mail box as well as an others and Junk.  To get a mail in to the right in-box, you simply drag it to that in-box and it then it remebers that all mails from that person go into that box.

It  has to be setup under Windows and not Ubuntu, but in any organisation that uses SpamSentinel you are most likely to have a Domino Administrator who will use the Windows Notes Administrator.  I really hope that mayflower consider making the installation work under Linux.

I think that there product is still in Beta as I have several minor problems, even under Windows.  I have talked to Chris in Support and he has confirmed the issues and that they are working on them.

Will keep you informed, mean while this is what it looks like:

Notes 8.5.x Limitations

The below link details so of the core limitations in notes.  Notes is like any IT system and has its limitations.

The limitations in some cases are actually artificial, for example the Notes database size, this limit is what IBM will support up to, I have seen Notes databases with 80 Gb in.  Also please bear in mind that if you use DAOS then the database will be much smaller as all attachment get striped out and help out side the .nsf structure.  So a Notes mail file or other databases run within a DAOS environment will in fact be able to contain a massive amount of data.

My personal e-mail file is over 11 Gb, and so far has not casued the slightest problem, its even running of a not too piowerfull server.